Moscow Terror Attack, page-42

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    Victoria Nuland's retirement and Crocus attack

    I want to continue this discussion from the previous thread. Did Victoria Nuland retire or was she fired?

    Posted by: Petri Krohn | Mar 23 2024 10:25 utc | 84:

    It has been claimed, that the aim of the "Russian Volunteer Force" and "Freedom of Russia Legion" attack across the border into Belgorod region was to capture a nuclear weapons storage site 20 km from border. It is unlikely Americans would approve of such an attack, any more than the Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian oil refineries.

    US urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian oil refineries - FT, March 22, 2024

    It is also claimed that Russia received intelligence about the cross-border attack two weeks in advance.

    Americans now say they shared information about the planned March 9 (March 7 + 48h) terrorist attack with the Russians.

    On March 5, 2024, it was announced that Victoria Nuland will retire.

    It now seems likely that the cross-border attack by RDK Nazis and the Crocus concert hall attack were part of the same plan. If so, did the Russia receive the advance intelligence about the cross-border attack from Americans?

    Posted by: CalDre | Mar 24 2024 0:53 utc | 477:

    I find the timing of some things quite interesting.

    * Jan. and Feb.: Nuland warns Russia of "nasty" "asymmetric" "surprises"
    * Mar. 5: Nuland suddenly leaves her State Dep't position and retires to Zionist/Bolshevik central: Columbia University
    * Mar. 7: US embassy in Moscow issues a terrorism alert (first time in ... )

    So it's possible Nuland was plotting this with the CIA and Ukraine but some others in the State Dep't found out about it and had her terminated (and they couldn't announce it was "termination" as that would be too suspicious with the subsequent events, but they needed to terminate her for "plausible deniability" if Russia traced the attack back to Nuland). It's also possible that Nuland or the whistleblowers didn't know the exact details and that's why the warning was so generic, and the US genuinely was furious when they found out about her plan, but for some reason didn't want to publicly denounce her, so that's a bit more of a stretch (but maybe they just didn't now more details and thought Russia would never believe that so not admitting she was behind the plot was the best course of action).

    Food for thought ....

    Posted by: Petri Krohn | Mar 24 2024 1:32 utc | 484:

    My thinking exactly. Except it now seems that Nuland was not fired. She is still Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. A few days ago she appeared in Rome in for some G7 meeting.

    It is also possible that someone at the State Department decided to inform Moscow of the planned terrorist attack. Nuland objected, but was overruled, so she resigned in protest.

    The US now needs to gain the confidence of Moscow to get Russia to agree to the partition plan proposed by ISW a week ago. But one must understand that the US always plays a two-faced game. There are some genuinely "good" people in the State Department, the CIA, and the military, but in the end they always work hand in hand with the neocon spooks.

    Posted by: Petri Krohn | Mar 24 2024 15:45 utc

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