More myths from the Bible were laid bare last night on...

  1. 6,975 Posts.
    More myths from the Bible were laid bare last night on 'Compass'. It seems the Jews were never in Egypt in the first place so Moses could not have led them out let alone through a parted Red Sea. Even if they had been there escaping to the land of Cannan would have been dumb as that was also ruled by Pharoah at the time with the Egyptian army well entrenched.

    As for Joshua bringing down the walls of Jericho - another myth - Jericho was unihabited at the time of Joshua and the story, and so were another ten of the total of twelve cities that were supposedly conquered. As for the twelfth there could be some semblence of truth in the story but the jury is still examining the evidence.

    If all that is not enough it seems the early Hebrews worshipped more than one god, there was at least a Mrs God as well as a Mr God with signs that other idols were also worshipped. It seems the words of the Bible have been subtly changed over the centuries (either purposely or by accident) that covers this up,

    As far as mythology goes the Bible is a good read but about as real as the mythology created by J.R. Tolkein in Lord of the Rings.

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