moses was a fraud - and as for joshua and jericho, page-45

  1. 1,368 Posts.
    re: moses was a good bloke OK guys were getting way too deep here for a stock forum. Most of you know me well enough to know I don’t publish my beliefs very often, but there seem to be some genuine questions at the moment.
    Thanks to ridge and rabbits for keeping the debate mature, and sensible, not like some.

    Just for gavin gse,
    One fact proven, does not nescessarily prove all the others, buy it does add wieght. Just look at "the Bible code", by M Drosnin, and youll see that there is a mathematical sequence of numbers (the hebrew equivilant for A- alpha is also numeric 1) so complex that it couldnt be written by a human with a computer in 1 lifetime. Yet read 'Testament- by John Romer' a historian with simliar views to compass, and you will decide its all rubbish. Who ya gonna believe?There is a heap of scientific evidence for and against the bible. It doesn’t matter. For those who believe, no proof is nescessary, and for those who do not believe, no proof is possible.
    The important thing is to ask the question, and start on the open minded search for truth.

    I can beleive that the bible is true, and everything in it is true.I believe that god formed man from the earth. The % of chemical elements in mans body is exactly the same as in the earth. Like you have 0.00001% of gold in your body, and the earth is also 0.00001% gold. (not exact %, but you get the drift) the same for carbon, lead, mercury, etc. Planet is 70% water , as is our body.
    Yet we are told to believe that god made the earth in 7 days. So how could the dinosuars have ruled for millions of years? An apparent paradox, until you read "a day with the Lord is AS a thousand years", and so time has very little meaning to an eternal being. All of a sudden, creation and the big bang become one.God had to put a few things into stories, just so we could grasp the concept. Its all in there (the bible) if you care to look.
    The bible stands correct against time, nothing in it has been disproved.

    I also wondered who built the pyramids, wondered about the pyramids on mars (until it was debunked) wondered what would be proven IF they ever find life on other planets. ( I am a keen follower of SETI, Stephen Hawkings, Einstein, and reader of many ufo sites, and many conspiracy and sceptic sites). I don’t believe they’ll ever find life on other planets, but it doesn’t really matter what I believe. The truth exists with out the need for me to approve of it. When we die, we can ask god, and then we will know the answers to all these things.

    OK, I’ll refrain from my preaching now, back to trading. AT least I respect everyones right to believe whatever they want to, and I reserve the right to answer honest questions about my beliefs.

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