rabbit ---and the big bang!!! You posted"dont believe that there...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    rabbit ---and the big bang!!! You posted

    "dont believe that there was nothing and then a big bang happened and bingo it was all thier, i do believe that the universe has always been filled with matter and dust of many types, and with the power of gravity ,power ect heavenly (no pun) bodies were formed, anyway its still school holidays so im just giving myself a headache for nothing thinking about it"

    That's just it..."that the universe has always been filled with matter and dust of many types,".......
    how did it (always)all get there?

    I have no headache thinking about it, simply because it is beyond human comprehension, which I accept.

    And because there is no "logical" answer oer se, the only choice left open is what might appear to be illogical, but in fact is a logical result in itself.

    Belief in a higher being, call it what you like, but for want of a better nam, we call it....god.

    To try and undersatnd him is like a computer tring to understand the designer, engineer and builder of that computer.

    All it can do is compute and maybe it will compute at billions and trillions of times faster than it can do today, but that's all it can do.

    And it will always need a "programmer and a bulider and a designer etc .........

    So do we.
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