moslems demand exemption from aust laws

  1. 900 Posts.
    "Attention Aussie pigs your country has been hijacked by the peace loving, law abiding moslem foreigners."

    "We don't like our homelands - too much islamic influence - so we shall take your country - resistence is foolish."

    Welcome to multi-cultural Australia.

    Could all moslems please register for exemption from Australian laws as we know how convenient it is for you to adopt civilised ways.

    But don't worry in time we will introduce sharia law.

    Lets face it it is indirect discrimination to apply Australia's laws equally as certain people will never be able to abide by the law.

    Today's multi-cultural Australia will be tomorrows civil war.

    ps Anyone wishing to join are peaceloving moslem political movement please register for human bomb duty.

    You know I'm right!
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