An intellectuals based view on climate change and the politics...

  1. 4,397 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 706
    An intellectuals based view on climate change and the politics we can't separate from it.
    The world came together and fixed the CFC / ozone hole problem decades ago, and it worked - the ozone layer has healed.
    Everything our politicians and clueless liberals are dribbling on about these days is pointless - in the end we will only increase the price of electricity, burden our already strained economies all to possibly achieve something we can't even measure.

    If our government was serious about it then we would have gone nuclear long ago.
    We also would have joined the ITER project.
    Or at least be investing into something that isn't the solar/wind fallacy.

    Truth is this is a political game with the end goal higher taxes on the citizens and more control over what we can and can't do.

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