Most CO2 Increase not Man Made, page-161

  1. 3,102 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 321
    Do you see the difference between me, someone who knows a lot about the topic and these others? "Trust the experts". "The experts know more than you", they never add substance, they aren't thinkers. They are followers trying to indoctrinate others into their "science" cult.

    Anyone who is a thinker doesn't blindly believe "experts" and will be skeptical until they do their own research.

    And since there is no data on the full electromagnetic output of the sun for the last year, 2021, let alone the last ~150 years needed to rule it out as the main energy input to Earth they can never make anyone with a brain believe their theory that a gas increasing 120 parts per million can significantly impact the Earth. It is absurd.
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