thanks for posting but not being helpful with the actual...

  1. 1,831 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    thanks for posting but not being helpful with the actual announcement, nvm I found it on the ASX response to query on the 4th July

    this is a non issue, off course they would have to divest their mining interests, but to imply thats an issue that stood in the way by posters on here is ridiculous, and to imply that should they now undertake to divest that the offer will magically come back because it was the stumbling block that broke the camels back is even more ridiculous. I have sold 2 companies in my life, not exactly huge experience but there are many issues which just get thrown at teh lawyers to sort out and have absolutely no bearing on the deal, sure they must be done and followed through on, but to imply they stand in the way or make or break a deal is utter nonsense

    Similarly to imply that my wife and my review of the NUH buds is not representative of the general market when clearly adoption is lacking despite increasing presence on retail shelves is foolish

    i will leave you to your smug justified angry position, but thanks again for at least linking what was being argued about
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