Mother Russia is doing better than ever thanks to parallel economy - money never smells., page-33

  1. 386 Posts.
    "This war has cost Russia more than money, it may yet cost EVERYTHING. The USSR didn't survive the cold war and Russia prolly won't survive this hot one. I believe they have already lost and @puntah is whistling past the graveyard trying to get us to believe a lie."

    Ukraine is running out of soldiers, who is going to be left to fight mighty Mother Russia?
    Lady soldiers?

    Russia has a population 3x that big.

    Ukrainian soldiers are lacking now morale and motivation - what had kept many of them in good spirits was a thought of going home after 3 years. Zelensky's scrapped it, meaning Ukrainian soldiers are forced to fight past 3 years until they die or are maimed. Only then they get to go home.
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