mr abbott havent you changed your tune, page-27

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    it is with individuals where a country's strength lies -

    the Feds and the bureaucrasies were found to be hopeless on 9/11 -

    a plane full of "ordinary" citizens finally twigged to what was really going on, and too their own action to stop the terrorists, giving up their own lives in the process.

    6 months later, the relevant flying school got a letter from the Bureacrats that two of the major terrorist bombers, now deceased, has been granted their student visas. One of them was Mohammed Attah.

    We, as Australian citizens, need ID at the bank, to renew or get a passport, even to hire out a video.

    "Boat people", whoever they may be, expect just to walk in,
    ID-less, papers in most cases conveniently now "lost", (one woders how did they get into Indonesia then?? I and anyone I know cannot - nor anywhere else for that matter) and are climbing up on roofs to demand (blackmail) us into acceding to their "rights". Despite them having access to four levels of appeal within our legal system. they have to have our instant agreement, or else.

    Do you or any of your family have such legal largesse at your personal disposal - free of charge? With the best QC's on tap? At you beck and call? And empathetic to your plight - to the extent they'll put you ahead of others?

    We can go on and on "loving" the political party we vote for. In the end, what we need is not bigger and bigger government; we need stronger and stronger will of the people.

    Australians have big hearts. They are not heartless. But it's about time we started loving ourselves, our country, and standing up for OUR rights, and our culture. There are many who are using us up for their own ends on the basis of our famous generosity. They don't really give a hoot about us, or our country. Some are downright dangerous.
    And are running their own subversive agendas - right under our noses.
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