The tax revenue for both these products is shrinking and the...

  1. 31,123 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    The tax revenue for both these products is shrinking and the higher the tax rate the less return the government will see.

    As for the savings on health.

    Yep it what reduce the cost to a degree but as scotty points out, bootleg grog is on the rise and criminal gangs are getting stuck into distributing chop chop in a big way now.

    Add to that the explosion in synthetic drugs use amongst the younger population plus the added mayhem that these drugs contribute to and the health savings are irrelevant.

    Let’s face facts here the governments have milked these 2 accepted(ish) drugs to the point that they’re now seeing a dramatic drop in their revenue intake.
    Add this to the flow on effects of restaurants, pubs, clubs, sporting venues ect and these twice a year price hikes are far more detrimental to the overall economy than the medical bills.

    You do understand that governments are always chasing the tax dollars, they don’t care were they get it from as long as they can spend all of it plus some more.
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