Mr Turnbull Gets Results for Australia

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    There is the immediate urge to fire salvos at those we disagree with. We get a real sense of achievement and feel good.
    It is very difficult to sacrifice this sense of feeling good.
    Mr Shorten would have felt very good today at the NPC. He lambasted all in sight. You could see his chest rising like the Rooster. The year of the Rooster.
    By contrast Mr Turnbull is steady, quiet and measured. But steely.
    Against all the odds he has got Mr Trump to agree with the Costa Rica solution. Mr Trump has agreed to accept Muslims from Manus and Nauru thereby proving that his travel ban is not religious based, but terrorist motivated.
    And the countries selected were those earmarked by the Mr Obama admin.
    And then Aussie dual citizenship holders have no worries. Mr Dastyari will be privately happy that Mr Turnbull is PM and not Mr Shorten.
    His comments come after Mr Turnbull said he will raise any issues of concern to Australia with US President Donald Trump in a private manner, and not discuss it publicly.
    The national interest is “best protected by me giving private counsel to our number one ally, the United States,” he told media today.
    “When I have frank advice to give to an American president, I give it privately, as good friends should, as wise prime ministers do, when they want to ensure they are best able to protect Australians and Australians’ national interest. Others can engage in commentary.
    “I don’t comment on American policy publicly. My job is to get results for Australia.”
    Mr Turnbull rejected criticism that he had failed to stand up for Australian values.
    “Now Bill Shorten is not the Prime Minister,” Mr Turnbull said. “He wants to be, obviously. He will go out on anything that he thinks gives him the political advantage. He has no concern about our national interest and our national interest is best protected by me giving private council to the US, our most important ally, public refraining from commenting on their domestic policy, advancing the interests of Australia ... and that is what I have done
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