MRM mma offshore limited

West Coast, true, the div yield is great but irrelevant for...

  1. 19,313 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 199
    West Coast, true, the div yield is great but irrelevant for those like me who have decided to short term this due to it's volatility, because typically these days the share price will fall by whatever the dividend was on the ex date so from that point of view it's a zero sum game.  Yes it's cheap but there are over 50 high value traded companies in the same situation. Given the earnings outlook surely a sane consensus could be reached for a diminished dividend next half?

    Nikpro, takeover would not surprise me very few ASX companies are well run and most end up being sold down well below value and well below PE ratios relative to western peers and end their lives ignominiously flogging assets on the cheap or have their bones picked over by foreigners. It's the Australian way of business.

    That said. if S&P drop this from the ASX300 in the next 8 days the algos will likely keep it under pressure until the index funds can be crossed out onto their short positions and the decline, given current volatility and ex-dividend could be to fresh lows.  If SP dont drop it, it will be a good long ST trading stock again bearing in mind the shorts appear to have a long term view  of at least 6 months probably until either S&P drop it in 6 months time OR the next financial report shows decreased earnings /dividends and increased gearing as is most likely (imo) to be the case.   Very long term + 1 year this could be a great buy point but given the state of global markets I cannot be bothered to think more than a few weeks out on high value traded stocks like this.
    Last edited by asteroider: 26/02/15
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