mrrt and prrt the big winners and losers imo

  1. 7,117 Posts.
    Have been trying to get my head around this for a few hours now and this is just my opinion but

    *The Big Winners*
    - Small to Mid Cap miners with low profits ie $50m per annum will be EXEMPT from the tax so basically those companies with a market cap under say $400m assuming they are trading on at least a PER of 8 are exempt. This is great for me as I target the sub $50m market cap space anyway

    - Any metal/resource outside of Coal and Iron Ore is exempt so take your pick Gold = exempt, Zinc = exempt Nickle = exempt well you get the picture

    *The Big Losers*
    -Onshore oil and gas companies are going to be slug with the same Petroleum Rent Tax that offshore players are stung with, so lots of onshore Oil and Gas players are gonna be hit

    *My Conclusions*
    This is overall an excellent outcome save for the onshore Oil and Gas industry, the way I see it by limiting the MRRT to Coal and Iron Ore (THE SUPER BULK COMMODITIES) and by also excluding small companies whose projects generate less than $50m a year in profit the tax is targeting the Majors and their major Iron Ore and Coal projects

    Unless I have read it wrong I am very happy with this outcome except for the introduction of an onshore PRRT but luckily I have minimal exposure to onshore oil and gas plays

    Who else is happy with the outcome? Thumbs up if you are
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