ms gillard and the disabled

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    In her sudden rush to (now) proclaim herself the defender of the disabled - after having shown no inkling of any such passionate predeliction over the almost five years she and her Party have held the reins - it is Gillard who is seriously and vindictively politicising this new "Get myself elected again" panicked campaign of a National Disabled Insurance Scheme -

    What's the rush? Why, a pending election hanging over her head - plus her desperation for a new cause to replace all the failed or lied about ones. This program is not due to begin for onr or more years. Let's get it right!

    She now has this dangerous track record of rushing in feet first into the deep waters of policies which are hugely complex, require immense infrastructure and well-based funding, and starting her sneering and point-scoring nasty one-upmanship PArty Political games. An ongoing fault of hers, which she always tried to swing around onto other people.

    As someone has pointed out - her rush requires around 3000 public service bureacrats to be brought in immediately to and set-up her "patchwork quilt" of yet another pink batt or school hall or NBN trillions of dollars hare-brained schemes.

    Well, it''s not the scheme - it's her (and Rudd's) abysmal track record in being in such a hell of a hurry and wanting them set up overnight.

    She completely ignores the recommendations of the Productivity Commission who have put forward their recommendations as to the best possible methods of the successful set-up and funding of such a scheme. Recommendations which don't suit Gillard in her huge rush to glorify herself via rushed policy, yet again.

    She reminds me so much of a few kids I met along the way - the ones who want their own way, instantly, or they'll throw a huge tantrum!

    The Australian Taxpayer, and responsible State Premiers taking a more measured and publicly beneficial structure, one which will NOT collapse, millions down the drain of futility, as did Pink Batts, etc. I hope those making decisions to "accomodae" the Gillard foot-stamps will not turn out to be the equivalents of virtually blackmailed, browbeaten and weak parents, who cave in weakly in the face of such "kiddy tantrums", just for the sake of a peaceful existence, and keeping their "obnoxious kid" happy!

    This issue is far too critical to treat so casually, like some political football, for it to be messed it up with more spiteful Gillard squawking and never-ending games playing. Billions of dollars are involved. Which makes me hugely worried - when it's Labor doing the handling!
    What the hell's the sudden great rush to cobble it together express mode - trying to appoint some "cut-off" deadline which only exists in the Gillard mind, and insults the legions of disabled? Because she's panicked - and needs a new "halo" issue trying to make people "like" her?

    Ms. Gillard invariably resorts to cheap, sneering bullying and on upmanship, I allege, when all else fails. I find this a very ugly rait in any "leader."

    IS this what Australia needs - a leader who MUST get their own way - at all and any cost? Sounds more like dictator territory, to me.

    I repeat - WE have a mentally disadvantaged child in OUR family - and I've been down many many roads in the journey to ensure this child has the best possible chances in life!

    But I want the BEST possible plan - not something cobbled together by pseudo-sincere, self-interested, desperate to retain power fork-tongued politicians.
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