MSB 2.03% $1.45 mesoblast limited

I think a lot of people on this board are struggling to...

  1. 4,203 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5498
    I think a lot of people on this board are struggling to benchmark Si against anyone else. I mean, when they get approved we are talking about ushering in a new era of science. In my opinion people disrespecting the CEO are akin to calling Buzz Aldrin incompetent prior to getting to the moon. Nobel prize winners inept prior to receiving their prizes. Musk doomed to failure, prior to Tesla becoming the most valuable company on the planet, and there were thousands if not millions of people all chanting he would fail at the same time. Disgraceful really. The person who attends the football match purely to boo the opposition, or enters politics to go 180 out with the other party no matter the subject or how stupid their argument is. I can't handle the continued senseless, mindless, brain numbing negativity which is why I have the people who comment like this on ignore. Not because I don't enjoy a balanced argument. If they could submit something worthy I would be listening in an instant, but so many are just serial complainers about anything and everything.

    My opinion is that I have absolutely no doubt, and I have wagered as such that MSB will get approval and are highly likely to be the market leaders on the planet earth for stem cell therapy. They are pioneers, and NO other company has managed to achieve what they are about to achieve yet. It simply has not been done by any CEO on earth - prove me wrong please anyone. There is no comparison, there is no equal, they will be the first in my opinion. However long it takes them to tread this path...... every other person on earth has failed to do it faster. It's like criticizing musk for not making a better car faster before the model three. For not increasing the share price as priority number 1. I'm sorry but if all you care about is the share price today, then you are like every other CEO who has ridden their company into the ground without actually achieving anything. Let's liquidate some assets, so the financial planners can see we turned a profit this year. Forget about the long term ramification.... lets just jack the SP up for the next 6 months. Heck- If MSB sold half their patents, I bet the SP would go up this year. Next year they sell the other half, it goes up again, 3 years later the company is dead. Thank god that the CEO does not have your mindset. Thank god that he is actually committed, and has staked his entire professional life on seeing this through. Thank god that he gave us an opportunity to invest in his magnificent company, and finally that we are now seeing results that are unparalleled in medical since. Results that have not been equaled. Results that so far from what I have seen, have never, ever been achieved by any other company, with any other medical drug / therapy / implant / device - prove me wrong.

    Si and the team are effectively walking on Mars. There is no path, there is no precedent, there were no guidelines when they started. But they have arrived. We see it in the results, they are there. They have achieved a lot more than they expected to achieve in a number of fields, but the baseline hypothesis remains. Inflammation is at the heart of a huge number of diseases. They have a patented treatment that reduces inflammation. The more trials they do, the more proof they have in this untrodden path. Once the floodgates open, this will be the equivalent of the re-building of Leelu from the movie 5th element where a 3D printer re-builds a person from their DNA and their hand.

    50% average reduction in back pain for CLPB patients.
    50% + average reduction in Covid ARDS mortality for mech ventilated under 65's
    Halting the death rate of class 2 CHF patients, at the class 2 death rate.
    90% mortality reduction in the severest pediatric GvHD death rate.
    100% response rate in Crohns and IBD sufferers.

    That isn't some new wonder drug that big pharma developed.... some mythical cheaper faster better unicorn drug result .... they are the ground breaking results from the latest MSB trials. They aren't simply not making your hair fall out, or increasing your "qualify of life".... they are increasing your actual life by a significant margin.

    Those down rampers that continually rant on and on about how much money people have lost based on today's share price,
    how poor mums and dads, and newbies, have lost so much.... exactly the same things have been said before on a number of stocks and were proven wrong. Trying to take advantage of people based on their emotions is sickening. Remember you are not allowed to give financial advice... so people on here get around that by saying things that provoke emotional responses... like poor mums and dads, or continually trashing the CEO who the majority of holders probably support.... otherwise why on the face of the planet would you buy the shares. Judge the results for what they are - not the share price. Until people sell they have lost nothing - fact.

    I thank the down rampers and the shorts that continually point out the lack of FDA approval, the large yearly R & D expenses and the ever re-appearing need to raise capital as has been the case for the last decade and the company has managed to survive just fine. I thank the stupid single share sales that occur in the last seconds of trade, that drive the closing price down at the end of the day, so that everyone thinks we are forever falling. In my opinion they have absolutely no influence on the success of the company, only on the share price and sentiment today. The lower they drive it, the more I will buy. If they somehow manage to get the SP down to 50c I will try double my holdings. I thank them for allowing me now to already halve my holding buy in average. The fact is once we are approved, no matter what they say before hand, no matter how low the SP gets, no matter if it takes another week, a month , a year, 5 years, I believe the post approval price will be similar.

    The question for me , and my opinion is in 5 years time, .... will I be comfortable making 5X for the time I have had to wait, where I could have made 10X.

    This is not financial advice - always remember
    The results don't lie, but the share price and people's opinions do.
    The above is simply my opinion, not financial advice. I could be wrong and so could alllllllllllll the results.
    The P value of that occurring is of course very , very, very low.

    There is your next challenge people.... Get the SP down to 50cents for me before the next CHF announcement, or GvHD approval.
    Good luck !

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