MT will pay for illogical pension test, page-79

  1. 83,917 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "all Trump supportors want change."

    arrrh - change.

    Remember back a while when John Howard was dumped because people wanted 'change'

    well, they got change - they got Kevin Rudd.

    And, I would doubt that even the most ardent Labor supporter would think that was a 'change' for the better - even though a change was justified in the eyes of many.

    If Trump does get any mileage at all - oh, boy will we get change ------------------- but, it won't necessarily be good change.

    The RISK for all is no different to what it was the very day he said he would run ---------- the RISK is that no one bar himself knows what he will do - no one.

    You can't trust what he said he would do when campaigning - he has turned that lot over already - and, basically - he isn't saying what he will do.

    the definition of RISK by many of us is ------------------- 'unknown outcome' -

    not exactly the way I would like the world to be run thanks.

    One difference between Rudd and Trump is that it took a while for Rudd to appear to be a fail -

    Trump is there already as far as his promises go - and he isn't even President yet -

    many voted for him to pursue Hilary, to drain the swamp, to build a wall, to stop Muslim immigration, to ditch Obamacare, to deport all illegal immigrants, he denounced climate change, to repeal gay marriage, to approve waterboarding

    ALL of those issues he has turned around on -------------- ALL OF THEM.

    So for hard liners ----------- that's a monstrous FAIL - and basically was a pack of lies and BS just to get elected.

    Now - the big question is - what exactly will he do?

    Basically what one has is a liar and cheat who is clearly a narcissist (which many leaders are) - but, who clearly suffers from narcissistic injury (which IS bad) - and who is Commander in Chief of the biggest and most powerful military on the planet -----------

    I doubt if I am going out on a limb here in saying that that is one hell of a RISK...................

    Would you consider being a passenger in a car doing 200 Km an hour with a driver who has mental issues and was unpredictable ------------ a risk?

    It's that simple.
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