Mueller Report, page-114

  1. 74 Posts.
    For me it has to be Bernie. People took a chance on trump because he said he would help the average american. There's no question Bernie would do that. If dems make the same mistake as last time and push Biden forward it'll be 2016 all over again. People aren't stupid they saw what happened last time and Bernie by far is the most popular. The problem is he's up against massive donors (both rep and dem) and a republican party that has no shame nor any problem with backing the divisive fraud that is trump. So they'll keep pushing this 'communist' narrative right to the election. Which is ironic given trump has pretty much bent over and been taken by putin right up the back door.They are saying 'socialism' but we all know they mean 'communism' - that's what your little racist trump cultists like to hear isn't it?
    Makes me laugh, all you hear from republicans is 'how you gonna pay for this' or 'how you gonna pay for that' ... never seem to here that when they casually give trillions away to corporations do you? Scumbags.
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