..another dumb fox talking point. The boston bomber, jack the...

  1. 74 Posts.
    ..another dumb fox talking point. The boston bomber, jack the ripper, ed gein, buffalo bill ... who else shall we pile onto the fearmonging bonfire?
    How do you know the boston bomber isnt a trump supporter anyway? He seems to fit the profile well... white, angry, likes to indiscriminately kill people.. yeah I reckon you should embrace that vote because afterall you gonna need them.
    The fact is most people in prison are minorities, from poor backgrounds and likely to vote democrat so lets not try and kid ourselves that this anything other than more voter suppression from (drumroll) Republicaaaaaaaaaans yeeeeeees .. those dirty cheating Republicans who claim to be 'pro life' while carrying an ar15 for 'protection'. Yes thats right folks Republicans, your swampy, unintelligent, hypocritical racists.. itching to send your kids to war so that they don't have to.
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