SOOKEROnce again twisting facts and reality to suit your own...

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Once again twisting facts and reality to suit your own twisted little mind

    Many of those you are accussing of not showing concern about Zimbabwe were in fact stating prior to the invasion of Iraq on lies and bullsh!t that if the US was really interest in removing dictators and human rights they would concentrate on removing Mugibe who was and still is committing atrocities ant not Suddam and Iraq

    Who had no WMDS
    No links to terrorism
    and all the atrocities committed by his regime were 10 years or more ago.

    But of course Zimbabwe does not have oil and there was no advatage to be gained by your mob.

    And what are the US the great self appointed defenders of democracy and removers of dictators planning on doing about Mugibe now.

    The whole international community needs to set up and take action against Mugibe something the WHOLE international community seems to be failing in right now and not just as you call them the lefties

    And as for Sudan and Zimbabwe having an equal vote at the UN that is democracy working were every one even low lifes have an equal vote of course we know the democracy you prefer is one were certain groups or individauls have more of a say than others.

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