The bible was written 30 years after Jesus supposedly lived.I...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The bible was written 30 years after Jesus supposedly lived.
    I can't even remember what I had for breakfast last week!!"

    its my understanding that the bible wasn't written for 350yrs after jesus. although there were hundreds of accounts passed down thru the years of what took place, the storys that made it into the bible were selected to best serve the creators viewpoint.

    most religious teachings have merit. be good to each other and they give followers comfort and something to believe in. this is important to those who have very little else in their lives and maybe living in poverty or just need to believe there is more to life.

    on the flip side, organised religions have been using their power to control the masses thru the ages. keep people poor and uneducated and they will continue to believe. in many areas of the world in rich countries with large poor populations are taught to believe its someone elses fault for their predicament and get them to channel their hatred away from the real cause.

    i respect peoples right to believe in what they want. i do struggle to understand why educated people continue to believe in something they cant see, touch or converse with. in other words, no proof. and they fight wars over it.

    its called blind faith.
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