multiculturalism in australia

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Interesting wikipedia page on the history of the multicultural policy in Australia.

    It gives a short history and also critiques from both a political and an intellectual viewpoint.

    One quote show how undemocratically this policy came about"

    "Critics have argued that multiculturalism was introduced as official policy in Australia without public support or consultation. According to academic Mark Lopez: "Multiculturalism was developed by a small number of academics, social workers and activists, initially located on the fringe of the political arena of immigration, settlement and welfare. The authors responsible for versions of the ideology were also principal actors in the struggle to advance their beliefs and make them government policy". Lopez asserts that through "core groups and activists' sympathisers and contacts ."

    So it seems that this policy was imposed on us undemocratically.....nice lol

    Another quote to show political motivations:

    "Critics associated with the Centre for Population and Urban Research at Monash University have argued that both Right and Left factions in the Australian Labor Party have adopted a multicultural stance for the purposes of increasing their support within the party.[35] A manifestation of this embrace of multiculturalism has been the creation of ethnic branches within the Labor Party and ethnic branch stacking.[36]"

    Their names need to be on a list for when the time comes for an accounting....selling us out for their own personal political gain. The founders of the ALP would be horrified to see what their spawn has come to. They are no better than the Bendigo bank.

    All of the above at our cost.

    Perhaps supporters of multiculturalism need to show reasons why it is in our best interests to pursue a multicultural policy.

    oh, and if they can, could they please show examples of successful multicultural societies. Malaysia and Indonesia obviously will not be offered as suitable examples vis the chinese and/or christian problems there, nor India with it muslim/hindu/sikh problems, Thailand, Burma and the Philippines have problems with muslims, all of africa with inter tribal(multiculturalism by another name) disputes, Israel with jews and palestinians, the middle east with problems with/for minorities, Europe with muslims, the US with blacks and hispanics. I'd appreciate seeing the best examples of multiculturalism to see what we can look forward to.

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