Today my children, Year 6, came home from school saying they had...

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    Today my children, Year 6, came home from school saying they had learnt about the government. Very good I thought. So I asked them what they had learnt. Actually, this terms 'inquiry' is all about multiculturalism, but I am was very surprised to hear the following :
    They said they had filled in a questionnaire, where they had to rank their answers from 'strongly agree' to 'stongly disagree'.
    The questions were along the lines of
    1) Do you think Asylum Seekers are illegal?
    2) Do you think asylum seekers should be turned back, or sent to boot camp

    Here are my questions which I think I will send back to the school...
    1) What does this have to do with multiculturalism, this is a topic about border control and aslylum seekers.
    2) What will you be doing with the answers you receive?

    Is it just me who is appalled at this?
    My own personal view is that we need to return to Howard's policy, but increase our asylum take possibly threefold.
    My daughter said she answered in the middle of the second question, as in her words 'to send them back might be dangerous, and to send them to bootcamp is mean'. But what if she had said 'turned back' - would she need 'reconditioning'??

    I don't agree with politics entering schools, and try not to politicise my own 11 year old children. I try and get them to consider both sides of an argument, to look at it from all angles, and make up their own minds.

    Clearly this is not the approach being taken in schools.

    Please feel free to add some questions for me to ask the head teacher.
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