beginning to wonder just who we are dealing with here....she has...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    beginning to wonder just who we are dealing with here....she has been quite happy for everyone to blame the faceless men, aka union bosses and mates for her blunders, her advisors.... in fact she is happy to allow the blame to be directed to anything and everything on anyone else.....
    that is the way, she has deliberately played this game...
    she is in control, have no doubt about it...
    while everyone else cops the blame, it leaves her standing there, appearing innocent....thats how she nabbed, conned most of the people, reporters etc out there...

    lets take a closer look at joolz, its on record when she was a teenager, she said she wanted to be the pm of OZ.
    with the 2007 election, knowing she wold not get the numbers, she pushed rudd out in front, as the winnable leader, (like she backed Latham years earlier), but it was always her intention, that once labor was in office, it would be joolz who would become the pm and leader....
    no ifs or buts, she just needed a front man to get labor up there...
    it was herself as the leader of the gang of 4 that sent rudd every which way, one minute it was climate change, then next week it was hospitals, each disaster is followed by a new whizz bang idea....
    only the gang of 4 ran the country, all other elected members have no say, they are not consulted...
    rudd was kicked out for the reasons shown above...

    now we have the real joolz, you can see if you look, nothing has changed since the rudd days, one stunning disaster after another, no consultation with caucus or members...
    so it was joolz, pulling rudds strings, she was in control with the backing of her unions...rudd had no backing, and up against her mate swan...(he gets no blame either, its the union behind hinm that cops the blame) so he too gets no wonder his constant smirk at everyone...

    I have almost forgotten what last weeks disaster was, but I told you there woud be another major policy announcement this week, that would cause you to forget about last weeks disaster...
    see its worked, I have forgotten last weeks major bungle, because we have another in the making this week..
    sorry this is taking so long...
    but think about this, there is no one else out there responsible for the disasters, its all joolz, she is in total control, she has fooled everyone...

    this week she stood there, side by side with bob brown....
    so he can take the blame for pulling her strings...for forcing carbon tax....and its worked....the journos have been sucked in...oh, dont get me started on how the independs cop the blame either

    she is very cunning...
    how on earth can one make a no carbon tax, then within months declare a carbon tax....its a massive lie...then listen to the continual lying, to pretend it never happened....
    another sociopath as leader...
    she is pulling the strings on all of her puppets,and receives absolutley no blame whatsoever...
    are they all being promised luxury diplomatic positions as a pay off..
    wong was unbearable to listen to as usual...with ali more last night....
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