MMX 0.00% 4.7¢ murchison metals ltd

murchison boss flags exit, page-2

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    Murchison Metals has announced a series of boardroom changes including the appointment of four new non-executive directors.

    They are former Santos chief financial officer Peter Wasow, former AGL boss Greg Martin, Macmahon chairman Ken Scott-Mackenzie and former Woodside executive Samantha Tough.

    Murchison executive chairman Paul Kopejtka said the appointments complemented the extensive skills and experience of Murchison's existing directors.

    Murchison said the new board appointments comprised part of a review of the company's existing governance and executive management arrangements.

    Managing director Trevor Matthews will move from the board into the newly-created position of chief executive officer, with immediate effect.

    The role of chairman will also become an independent non-executive position at a time to be determined by the new board.

    "These changes will result in a more appropriately structured board and governance framework for the next phase of the company's development," Murchison said in a statement.
    Murchison shares were off three cents, or 2.63 per cent, to $1.11 at 12.40pm.

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