Your generalisation of Islam does not bode well for anyone or...

  1. 831 Posts.
    Your generalisation of Islam does not bode well for anyone or anything. If this were an Islamic dogma and one which has the sanction of the clergy universally and accepted by all Muslim men, there would not be such alarge number of Islamic children anywhere near 1.3 billion. The women all having perished.

    This is the equivalent of calling Indians and Chinese 'Wankers'. Nothing could be further from the truth. If they did wank, they would not produce so many children now would they?? Your logic is warped.

    The idea of male chauvanism is universal and not restricted to Muslims. Richard Carleton once did an inteview with a Brazilian university professor who was acquitted of murdering his wife with a hammer to her head to 'protect his honour' a very Latin thing to do on suspicion of her infidelity. Now that's a Catholic country and their traditions of honour can be traced to the catholic interpretation of the word from the middle ages.

    The Spanish are no different and neither are their mulatos in South America or the Slavs in the Balkans. I mean the Christian ones. Try St. Albans in Victoria for starters. Try smiling or flirting with a Yugo lady and see the result.

    Men have for centuries sought answers for their misdeeds in the words of the fairy tales of Genesis to revelation and From mark, Luke, Mathew and John.

    Yes the Nigerian case is horrible, the Saudi examples even worse and yes it can all be found in the Koran. But it is not a daily occurence for the same reasons I postulated at the begining of this sermon.

    The lashkar I Toiba and all of these l'Askar's in Kashmir were created by the US and their ally Pakistan a contradiction in terms.

    I can understand their reluctance to have another global power or pretender to the cause Like India or China but at what cause? In the early 1980's there were an unusually large number of young Kashmiri's in Northern New South Wales who later transferred to Tasmania then to New Zealand to 'train in high altitude combat'. The fatcs were known to the Indians who loved to play the 'dirty dhoti dumb baboo'. They preferred to keep watch it suited their purpose not to blow the undercover operation.

    Unfortunately as Australia coveted Pakistan in the usual all the way with the USA type mindless foreign policy, the Indians decided to embarass the Australians by informing the Yugoslavs of the Croation guerilla camp also in Norther New South Wales for which Malcolm copped the embarrassment.

    Today all these l'Askars and their ilk have decided to bite the US and now Australia in the Bum. What can we do? don't provoke the situation any further. It is not too late too distance ourselves from other peoples wars and mistakes.

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