muslim censorship

  1. 3,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 139
    "The mods have pointed out that some members on this forum are of muslim faith and that generalised attacks on them are not on. I think you ought to reflect on this in the conduct of your posting."

    What about attacks on Germans,Jews, Irish, British and Japanese etc?.

    What about attacks on Christians, Jews, Scientologists etc?

    Are you ruling that we must not offend the Muslims but it is OK to offend everybody else?

    What is not on for me is that it has been years since I have heard Bing Crosby singing White Christmas in a shopping center. Christmas trees have all but disappeared and the Nativity scene is forbidden.

    My grandkids can no longer partake in Easter egg hunts at pre school and all pictures of Jesus have to be replaced with a picture of some anonymous black family and some cripple in a wheel chair. My wife goes to a hairdresser and if a Muslim woman comes in sheets have to be place on the windows so people can not see in. What happened to the swimming pool issue???

    Like it or not we are a Christian society even though less than 3% go to church. I only go to church for weddings and funerals.

    If the Muslims are so precious about what offends them they should go back to where they came from. As a migrant to Australia after WW2 I had to endure racist taunts and I an stronger for that. I integrated. I love Australia and I call myself an Australian. I am an Australian with a European background. I did not come to Australia expecting Australians to learn my language, celebrate my customs, not mention Hitler because it offends me or celebrate Xmas one day earlier as is my custom.

    This is Australia. This is a free country and we should fight to preserve our freedoms. Every little compromise to the Muslims is a reduction to our freedoms.

    The Courier Mail in Brisbane used to run a banner every day above the Editorial page. The freedom of the press cannot be limited without being lost. Similarly here on this forum and elsewhere. You limit what we discuss and you limit our freedom.

    The truth is I did not realize I was a redneck racist until a Muslim man told me I could not swim on my beach because his wife was using the beach!!! Yep, that did it for me.

    Integrate or go home is my motto. Multiculturalism is dead.

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