banjar,Of course it is obvious that any religion is dependent on...

  1. 1,477 Posts.
    Of course it is obvious that any religion is dependent on the people who practise the religion. Without those people, that religion does not exist in any form (except maybe a few old monuments and some text in a history book).

    But the fact remains, that islam in its various implimentations in the world today, by various and different groups of people, in various countries, is typically characterised by low or backward development of the people and the countries resources, low levels of general education in the popluation,repression of women, often extreme and draconian violence in the implimentation of sharia law and ubuse of the wealth and pivelege of leadership, by the ruling islamic classes.

    If there was only one such example, then you might have a point that it depends on the people implimenting it, but the examples are many and are the norm rather than the exception.

    It may be a characteristic of this islamic religion, that is basically a 7th century warrior/looter death cult, that when it is force-fed onto a backward and uneducated population, a situation of abuse and repression is a natural consequence. Low education levels and repression of women are required then to maintain the privilege of the ruling islamic classes, who quite naturally, come to like the power and privelige they obtain.

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