This Dr Jamal Rifi blames us Infidels for the Muslims loosing...

  1. 289 Posts.
    This Dr Jamal Rifi blames us Infidels for the Muslims loosing control of their own faith and we need to hurry up and hand over more money so they can fix it - With only ~2 % of the population folks and we have now so-called home grown 7 year old "Aussie Boys" participating in these acts thanks to Dad and Mum. How can this boy ever re-enter our society or will he feel that he never left in a few years time? Where was the Muslim community, the moderate Muslims that tell us ISIS and its extreme followers do not represent them for this boy and his brother and sister? How is it possible we have a generation born in this country acting out these barbaric acts? They did not grow up in Syria or Iraq. Their influence was from home, Mum and Dad, from the Imam's from their close community, that was the source of their radicalisation.

    I took my kids to play AusKick on weekends as children, bike riding or fishing , what do these folks do with their kids .....look up
    "khaled sharrouf that's my boy" see what he and his brother are doing now and do not forget his big sister.
    7yr old.jpg
    Who was turning a blind eye and made apologies at the at the community gatherings, social events and Friday Prayers when this filth khaled sharrouf spoke openly of their hatred for Australia , what he and his cohorts wanted to do to us and what they represented. Where were the moderates who are trying so hard to actively "Rat-Out" the radicalisation occurring in our suburbs, at rallies and in halls? Does the cartoon below explain? That is what I see in Australia from the moderates - Nothing.
    any problems.jpg

    We dare to infringe on their freedom, to toughen laws, to investigate what is going on in their communities and it is outrage. How dare we. Yet their Australian foreign fighters are off with ISIS drawing the Dole, 50 that we know of. Khaled Sharrouf living the dream killing in Syria and still on taxpayer-funded disability pension.
    The Australian government has committed $630 million to counter-terrorism package last year inside our boarders. There are all sorts of grants being handed over the Muslim groups to build community cohesion and resilience to violent extremism, create greater acceptance of Islam, give communities the skills and resources to understand and actively address intolerant or extremist messages and discourage violent extremism, support people who may be vulnerable to extremist views due to personal experiences of disengagement and marginalisation. Seriously .....what have we already done , is the Government accepting the enemy is already within ?
    If so much Australian Government resources & agencies time , tax payers money is now being committed to fight this scourge, how much will be spending and what will our lives be like in Australia when there is 4% of the population following the dream of the Prophet?

    This is just going to get better ....Oh yeah , one day we will all be at peace when the last person has submitted. I cant wait, happy days !
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