Beware of the Lieberman "Trap"Senator Joseph Lieberman's voting...

  1. 632 Posts.
    Beware of the
    Lieberman "Trap"
    Senator Joseph Lieberman's voting record on Infanticide, Pornography,
    and "Gay-Rights" is a disgrace to the Orthodox Jewish community
    Rabbi Isaac Levy, chairman of Jews for Morality, today warned Orthodox Jewish organizations to distance themselves from Vice-Presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman.

    "Joe Lieberman claims that he is a 'Modern-Orthodox' Jew. In practice this means that he performs many of the rituals of the Orthodox Jew but votes like a Reform Jew - 'With his mouth and lips he honors Me, but his heart is estranged from Me.' (Isaiah 29:13)

    "Joseph Lieberman supports abortion at any stage of pregnancy, even while the baby is already being born ('partial-birth abortion'). He voted to oppose the bill (H.R.1833) that would have outlawed this barbarous procedure. All Orthodox Jewish authorities on halacha (Jewish law) agree that 'partial-birth abortion' is murder.

    "Lieberman voted to oppose the Communication Decency Act (S.652) that sought to protect children from Internet pornography, while supporting the National Endowment for the Humanities, a group that funds sacrilegious pornography.

    "Lieberman voted for the ENDA Act (S.2056), a bill which adds homosexuals to the group of minorities who are entitled to special affirmative-action privileges. He also voted for the Hate Crimes Act, a bill that would give to homosexuals special protections that are not granted to citizens in general.

    "If the Orthodox Jewish community continues to enthusiastically support 'my son the Vice-President', it will be trapped into downplaying its most treasured traditions -the sanctity of human life and the importance of family decency -'Their G-d hates immorality.'

    "Lieberman has publicly stated, 'Who I am determines how I vote on particular issues.' -If this is true, then what does that tell us about the real Joe Lieberman?"

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