So a Muslim terrorist took the Rabbi and hostages in a synagogue...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 112
    So a Muslim terrorist took the Rabbi and hostages in a synagogue in Texas.Thankfully, all hostages were rescued and this POS was despatched to hell

    Here's Michigan's chapter of the US Muslim community mourning his passing

    Note what ISN'T in the message. Not a word of condemnation, disassociation or otherwise of distancing themselves from his act. Instead, they see Paradise as his reward, I guess. Tells ya all ya need to know.

    But DO NOT FORGET...according to Biden and the left...white supremacy is the GREATEST domestic threat in the much so that they've just carved out a NEW...SPECIAL unit to defeat it. And of course, GOP folks are at the top of their list.

    As are parents in school boards protesting the race-based hate-filled curricula present in all the schools
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