Muslims 3 Times More Discriminated, page-4

  1. 8,044 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    oh dear RICH.... those poor people.....
    you might spare a thought on

    who runs the bikey gangs and run the drugs down into the riverina
    any hand in brothels these days?
    not a lot of gang rapes here or O/S by whiteys of muslim girls are there

    and lets not forget the NO-GO zones where western women are told by your friends to cover up or bugger off

    not a lot of politcvians attacked by whiteys of any colour here and around the world.... not the same in holland

    mate they will cry PICKED ON........ till they get to 5% of the population and then its PAY-BACK!

    OH, i COULD GO ON BY WHY BOTHER.... ha ha setting myself up now arent I?
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