Muslims are the biggest racists on earth, page-48

  1. 4,825 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 925
    Yet to see one single terror attack or rape gang etc be reported/stopped by the muslim community...
    Westerners see a priest etc commit abuse? We slam them publicly & demand they be put through the courts- even protesting at times if the community feels the punishment is insufficient.
    The muslim community basically never does- in the words of one of their ‘leaders’ here?
    ( Bilal Skaf rape gang Sydney ).
    ‘The raped Aussie girls were meat for the cat’.

    Their book needs almost complete revision or it will come to a head where their whole communities will need deporting/some kind of physical isolation from the rest of the community- like the original ghettoes, ( built to house the Jewish community back when the wider community didn’t have faith in their behaviour as a group ).

    All any of us need to ask is why can Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Taoists, Rastafarians and many others all get along but Muslims can’t?
    I don’t know. To be honest I don’t care anymore.
    They have a serious cultural/communal behaviour problem & other people’s family members shouldn’t have to pay with their lives or safety while we wait for them to self police themselves.

    I’ve lived and worked off and on for over 20 years in a country with only one mosque yet more than half Oz’s population in one city- guess how many rape gangs & terrorist attacks there are in that country? Zero and.... zero.

    Their books says black people are for hell and therefore not to be cared for, ( “allah struck Adam’s left shoulder and out come black dust from which black people came, asked about them allah said they are black so they are for hell and therefore I do not care for them ), - tells them it’s fine to be dishonest- tells them murder is fine- killing rape victims is fine- killing gays is fine- killing Jews is fine- killing any who refuse to convert or pay a religious tax is fine, it even condones having sex with children and under some readings even animals!
    It needs complete reform & we must stop changing our laws to accomodate them, the halal religious tax must also be abolished. ( don’t try to tell me it’s not a tax when it’s a non voluntary charge imposed on my food bill by a religious group ).

    To any read this who haven’t grow up in a city with a significant muslim community such as Sydney- don’t try to tell people like me with direct experience with the what the world is like.
    Over 40 years I’ve seen ‘kids’ with full facial hair turning up in my primary school back in the 80’s, had my mum assaulted more than once in the middle of the day at parramatta shopping centre by ‘ladies’ in black sheets, my brother in law and his missus directly threatened with murder by the muslim neighbours if they moved in to a house out west years ago, a friend’s daughter’s passport taken and her told she was never returning to Australia by an Armenian muslim family and the list just goes on and on and on- every time we change our laws or let a rapist go free for ‘cultural issues’ etc? We’re putting up a sign that says “we’re weak, the more you attack us the more you can expect to be rewarded.”

    This is going to get a whole lot worse before it even begins to improve and the only solution I see, as I said above is complete removal of that community from any Western nation.

    We must all remember that it is an ideology, it isn’t a race or even nationality.
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