Muslims are the biggest racists on earth, page-74

  1. 2,950 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    would be more concerned about the Chinese influence and their economic and military power that is waxing.
    Agree! Also have concern about Chinese students and residency; ASIO have expressed concerns about their influence on our political outcomes.

    The example of not caring for the life of a Muslim does however make some sense as many Indians do not have the luxuries we take for granted.

    Been their a few times and don’t believe it has to do with material wealth, it just been bred into them to hate Muslims. It also should be said that Muslim are also uncaring lot to their own people. If they are suffering or poor all they say that it’s "God’s Will".

    Mixing large numbers of ethnic groups can lead to big issues, but if our politicians act to prevent ghettos forming we can manage things.
    To manage these ghettos we need a politician with resolve instead of crawling to an ethic community to stay in power. We have suburbs where every day activities doesn’t necessitate the need to have a slight knowledge of English for legal and voting etc.

    I would accuse every local council, State and Federal departments off being complicit in encouraging ethic ghettos under the guise of multiculturalism. I would also include SBS media format in discouraging the incentive to learn the English language. Subtitles should be reversed by using voiceover in English and hopefully the language is learnt subliminally.

    I’m don’t know your parents situation, but I would turn back the time where migrants had to use their children to act as interpreter’s or go to a community leader for assistance.
    At least the older generation had to learn a form off pidgin English to get by.

    We should go back to the rules if you cannot read the voting resolutions your are incompetent to vote and be excluded.

    If not --then we may have some interesting times ahead.
    Like Europe, and signs of it happening here.

    Before anyone picks on my grammatical skill I’m a failure of the 60’s Vic education system.
    Forced to do subjects that involved lots off writing but banned from doing maths and science.
    Technically, under the rules off the Vic Education system, I shouldn’t have been allowed to progress to the next grade.

    Due to my incompetence in grammar, it had been a hindrance in me applying for promotion, just couldn’t master grammar because I was ignored by teachers as being just a wogie kid.
    If any young person has similar fears, pls go for help because your true potential to influence the world may never bear fruit.

    I had phobia about writing anything, that I was prepared to pay anyone to write a sentence on my behalf.

    Now in my old age, I don’t care anymore as long as people get the gist of my ideas.

    Radicool Views
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