Muslims in Darwin, page-26

  1. 690 Posts.
    hahahaa you guys are so stupid.

    DO any of you make any money trading shares?

    Reading this has been one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's funnier than sitting on a train packed with school children talking crap.

    Do you all really think that the Muslim population is here to take over this country? A small (TINY) minority.

    LOL how will they do it? How will they rise up and take over a population of over 20mil and rule them? It is inconceivable, impossible.

    MAYBE if you all stopped hating on everything they did and said and started treating them nicely they would resist the urge to be so different from you?????

    And the majority of the muslims here are actual citizens, so stop the bogan trash talk about "letting them in."

    Nobody has the power to "let people in" to their own home! They live here. They are here to stay.

    You can be nice to them, understand them, accept and believe when they tell you they are peaceful people from a peaceful religion.
    Alternatively you can shun them, call them terrorists in public, threaten to rip off their clothing of choice and dedicate all your free time to ridiculing them.

    Each course of action will have a different outcome. Don't be surprised if you chose the wrong one and get a negative reaction.

    HAHAHAHA I still can't stop laughing at how stupid some of the above replies are. Did any of you finish high school? LOLLLLLL
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