my kind of music, page-36

  1. 18,152 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    Dear @yotta - what a beautiful poem - that's exactly what I felt for a long long time when my husband passed away very suddenly at a similar age to his wonderful daughter. thankyou
    I didn't know what a 'big noise' she was in London - saw her funeral service yesterday via video link in youngest daughter's house, surrounded by childhood friends and my remaining family and we laughed, cried, told funny stories afterwards, had good food - I have only just now said good-bye to a friend who has a long country drive ahead of her - back to 'down south' where we were happy. Still happy, even now - every day is to be lived.
    I mused on the uniqueness of my child this morning and realised the people she surrounded herself with, were all unique and I came up with this little poem:

    I once was -and I am no more!

    …along with mycompanions

    I lived inhappy harmony

    On mountaintops and canyons;

    in rockygulleys – rivers, too,

    Intreetops without end;

    In moonlitmeadows we did dance

    And sing and playand mate!

    I was a ‘unicorn’,you see,

    unknown to you- and also - me!

    I lived themoment, knew not time. . .

    intensely ascan be!

    There was nopast no future then

    just living inthe now

    no care about thingsdistant

    no ken whatfate might bring

    but sickness came,snuck up on me

    my body wentastray

    until thatthing that’s made of clay

    gave in andpassed away!

    Now you areleft wondering …

    what did youknow of me?

    I, who ne’rdid idle long

    And neverstopped to ask

    “How are you,how’s it with you?

    Lets talk andlaugh and dance?”

    Like I didwith those unicorns

    who similar tome,

    Just come andsmile and play,

    as happy ascan be;

    and then oneday they drift away

    as if they’dnever been.

    She had a good life and left lots of people with great memories, even a legacy, behind her - her composition for her father's death was played at her own funeral by 'Viktoria Mullova' - I couldn't believe it when I heard the sound, so much like Sonia's.
    I am o.k. now - a good life lived and a good funeral can do that - I mean to use the rest of my life meaningfully.
    go well

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