IGL 1.37% $2.16 ive group limited

my latest thoughts on IGL, page-9

  1. 4,338 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 475
    By the way, to followers of IGL, I should apologize for the sloppy sentence/paragraph construction of my opening post and for the typos. I was writing in a hurry and on MS Word. Copying and pasting to HC did some strange things to line spacing and to spaces after punctuations. I tried fixing, but basically it was too hard and tedious (how surprising from this wonderful platform). In truth, I've got to the point where I find little value in trying to make polished posts. These are very time consuming, and frankly, given that I'm not selling anything, I don't really care. If the content has value, then it can stand on it's own merit. If it has no value, then it's worth all the polish (or lack of) it comes wrapped in. You be the judge.
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Mkt cap ! $334.5M
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$2.19 $2.20 $2.16 $255.5K 117.2K

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2 4071 $2.16

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$2.18 2000 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 04/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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