my letter from the tax office

  1. 2,435 Posts.
    I received a nice letter from the Australian Taxation office during the week.

    It was to remind me, that subsequent to the changes to the legislation, I am in danger of exceeding my voluntary contributions to superannuation for the 2012-2013 year.

    whilst I was aware of the senseless legislative arrangements put in place by the present "government", the receipt of this letter caused me to ponder some issues.

    I was left to consider, in the now famous words of Paul Howes, "what political genius thought this was a good idea?"

    I think it's a very fair question.

    What type of "government", would seriously want to actively discourage employed people, to save for their own retirement?

    What type of "government", would actually want to put more retired people onto the already bloated welfare budget?

    What type of "government",would want to increase the taxation burden for working people, in order to pay for the aging population?

    The whole concept of this amendment is mind boggling. It just does not make sense.

    Either, the Labor/Greens/Independents "government" is so incompetent, that they can't see into next week, or they are so dysfunctional due to their own distorted ideologies, that they are oblivious that they are frustrating the hopes and dreams of Australians to be able to look after themselves in their twilight years.

    Anyway, this "legislation" can be reversed with the change of government next year, but I, for one, an left to ponder the short sighted incompetence of the present mob.
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