my opinion about god & religious books-part 1, page-3

  1. 14,914 Posts.
    Sure, IMO your thinking is flawed in many levels. The first and most important is that you're attempting to compare a human being (your parents) with somthing that is immortal/spritual/a higher power (God). This simply cannot be compared as you are talking about two different things entirely.

    I think you need to define which God you are talking about here as there are many percieved God's. I guess when we talk about God in Western society we mean the christian or catholic God as opposed to a God that the other religions may follow. As it is right now, it sounds like you're making up your own religion by somehow claiming that your parents are your God.

    I think the key to beleiving in God is believing in love. Where does love come from? Did it come from the dirt? Did it come from atoms bouncing off each other? Did it come from a big bang in the middle of nothing?

    A good little test for you IMO would be to put yourself in a situation where love is abundant - beyond the day to day love we all witness. Im talking about the kind of love that is needed when a person or persons are facing catestrophic events. An earthquake (the very thing you fear) or some other horrific event tends to bring out the very best in people and a heck of a lot of love. If you've experienced anything like this, I think you're opinions of where love "comes from" may be questioned.

    This experience would have nothing to do with your parents, but just people in general. If you could see how people "pull together" in dire situations, I think you may be surprised at how much love can be felt in such a situation and often you get the feeling that there is really somthing special about this world and that there is a whole lot of good that comes from what would be seen as "bad" things on the surface. For mine, I think we "feel" too much to have just evolved from nothing or monkeys. There is far more to it than that.

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