My parents spanked me as a child., page-51

  1. 17,903 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 148
    They are beautiful! and they look very happy children - reminding me of my neighbour's children, who are lovely - never beaten - shouted at at times by their exasperated Mum (and she comes over and apologises to me afterwards!), but taken good care of.

    Mine were taken care of, too, but being migrants, life wasn't always easy (for any of us) - and nuclear family to boot, but my kids had their share of paradise by spending 10 of their growing years in a small country town, near the ocean, near open ground where they could roam etc. I can imagine discipline on a boat would have to be stricter - in our case it was 'voice control' or on Dad's side rewards by attention (games, real interest in what they were doing). They grew into decent adults - and so are my grandchildren.

    I cannot possibly disagree with you on anything anymore (even though our world views differ), with those lovely children.
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