My parents spanked me as a child., page-55

  1. 10,673 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 732
    My only Gripe is that one of my eyes has shady vision. Im not 100% sure it was from one of the hits. Its possible its genetic. But the chances of one of the 1000 hits to the head poking me in the eye is more than probable.

    The hits around the head as a kid still Sheit me. You can pretty much tell a person that wasnt Hit alot by their parents, they tend to be more positive and a bit less defensive.

    Feeling a form of pain as a Child can actually enhance learning if its not done to the point the kid is completely crushed.

    The reality is that the Parent has all the weapons of punishment in their Arsonal. The Kid has nothing to defend with.

    Even as an Adult my Parents still believe they have the right to try and destroy me whenever they see fit.

    I Built their 70 sq House at 23 that took a year and lent them every penny I had, They said at the end I had to build a retaining wall for them for free or else they wouldnt pay me.

    They wrote the check to pay me, signed it. then said if I didnt write a Check for all our Family to fly to melbourne for my sisters wedding $1350 they would stop my Payment Check.

    Countless other things like that throughout my life. But thats helped me be a rock under stress that could break others in the same boat.
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