My parents spanked me as a child., page-60

  1. 10,673 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 732
    I did seek to get a contact lense, the first optomitrist said I had a slight bulge in the eye, the 2nd one an older more experienced optomitrist said couldve been caused by forcepts during birth, hitting my eye, or some other word he used, meaning by parents. So although this type of thing is never mentioned, it is probable over more than a decade of hits and slaps to the face and head its obvious a finger wouldve hit the eye at least a few times.

    I ended up getting lazor lasic on it twice at about 31yrs old. I just always wonder how much more I couldve done with my life with both my eyes sharp. Main reason I wasnt much good at school was reading blurry books and reading the blackboard.

    These days things like this get noticed and delt with. Only one of my teachers in my whole schooling noticed and made me sit up the front.

    All I can say is, Hit your kids for sure if the need arrises. Just not in the head. Who knows how many Brain tumors are caused by head hits as a child.

    Noone ever mentions or studies if people with Tumors were hit, or people without them werent hit. Too many things arnt taboo.

    I dont think I have a Tumor though but to me the thought of someone hitting kids grates on me.
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