my prediction 26/5/2011, page-6

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    you bet they have!

    Any business which can't move or make binding decisions affecting their future prospects, still to develop a buried pile of predicted "treasure," but with not too much in the way of funds to do so, (so what then, sell out at a discount to the Chinese?) will be ecstatic to see the back of Gillard and Swan.)

    At least they will be striving for best results on a level playing field.

    It's almost Stalinistic - let's raid some of the (so-called) rich, in the west, and spread it across to the poor, in the east. So we all become one lowest common denominator. No bosses - and therefore no jobs.

    Are we to rely on manufacturing? Don't think so.

    And it's funny, but everyone advocating such "class envy" forgets that there are thousands upon thouasand of "little people" involved - small holdings shareholders who have placed ther trust in these companies to do their best by their stakeholders, and to produce some profits for their investments. A process which can tak years - even decades. And with no investors, there can be no mining.

    If such investments subsequently plummett, it's these "little blokes and women", who bought shares in good faith pre this "raid the miners" fund raiser, end up on their financially stricken backsides looking at their losses. WHY, just to prop up the usual Labor deficit after their usual reckless spending on dingbat projects?

    Iron Ore being processed in China - then sent back to us at inflated prices - is that the way the Communists amongst us see our living standards are best eroded? And we are levelled out to be all working poor? And where will the jobs be?

    These two need cash fast - so who will they target next?

    YOUR business, perhaps?

    Bob Brown wants the whole coal industry shut dow. As soon as possible. But doesn't tell us how that Billions of dollars income will be replaces.

    Candles and cold showers territory. This is madness on an escalating scale.

    Once upon a time, we lived a simple, happy, uncomplicated life. Now, politicians have their long noses in every nook and cranny. And we have no peace - and true joie de vivre is but a memory.

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