Crazy...the manis the kid's dad but the libertarians have struck...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    Crazy...the manis the kid's dad but the libertarians have struck again!

    Sperm donor who helped lesbian couple has name stripped from birth certificate
    From: AAP August 17, 2011 12:10PM

    A man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple has had his name stripped from the child's birth certificate. Source: AFP

    A MAN who donated sperm to a lesbian couple will have his name stripped from their child's birth certificate after a successful legal bid by the birth mother's ex-partner.

    The woman took the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, and biological father, to court in May to have the donor's name replaced with her name in the document.

    The female child was born in 2001 and the women split in 2006, although they continued to share parental responsibility.

    The man also played a role in the child's life.

    NSW District Court Judge Stephen Walmsley on Wednesday ruled in her favour, but expressed sympathy for the biological father.

    "I am not persuaded there is any contractual right which can affect this application," he said.

    "As (the biological father) concedes, there was no agreement before (the child's) birth that he would be on the register when he agreed to donate his sperm."

    Courier Mail, 23 Apr 2011

    The judge said the man and the child obviously had a strong emotional attachment.

    "I have considerable sympathy for (the man) -- he has done what he considers has been his very best for the child."

    Outside court the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said he was devastated and labelled the outcome an injustice.

    "She's not my daughter as far as the law is concerned," he said.

    "The laws are totally inadequate, there are no laws to protect people like me.

    "It's a very bad day for fathers, that's all I can say."

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