my sydney cityrail experience

  1. 1,300 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 69
    Just got home from the City, was blessed with one of those silver rattlers with the windows boarded up and of course no-air conditioning, got to Central station to be told that there weren't any drivers available (!), 20 mins later City rail manages to locate a driver and get moving.

    By this point the train and platform is packed, people are _drenched_ in sweat, old people look like their going to pass out, more people attempt to cram into an already sardined carriage (encouraged by comments from the train-driver to move on in), passenger tempers are flaring, and my 30 min trip ends up being close to 1/1/2 hours.

    Did I mention it would have been close to 50-60 degrees in that archaic carriage?

    So can someone remind me how many millions our illustrious prime minister provided to Indonesian schools? I'm pretty sure that would have installed an air conditioner or two.

    My worst train experience EVER. And trust me, I've had a fair share of crap experiences.

    ...and it's 2013.

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