my very first solar killowatt, page-21

  1. 211 Posts.
    Dear BB.
    "With the massive cost of the solar panels, it is hard to see that some simple sun-following system of some sort wouldn't make sense"

    That kind of system is already available, but it costs.
    Which would equal a longer pay back time.

    In areas lower than Rockhamton, or the Tropic of Cap, the angle of the sloar panel, the vertical angle should be adjusted also, during summer and winter.

    And just maybe, if in the winter the angle is low, then there could be a mirror problem with the reflection.

    Now all these add-ons for the generator system cost money, and again increases the time to obtain a pay-back time.

    It would seem, after asking all the hard questions, the idea is wonderful, but not yet, maybe in 50years time.

    Lets think,
    the collectors should be cleaned every couple of months for max effectiency.

    With soapy water and washed off.
    BUT there is another hidden cost and risk.
    the cost of the water,
    and how does an old fella climb about on a roof with soapy water, which is as slippy as ...gel.

    A wet roof is totally completely dangerous !
    And what if the cleaner falls, over the edge of the roof, and busts a leg or neck ?

    The Union which GM was once a rep, would have a safety barrier around his roof and more.

    Hey, I bet the salesmen never old GM all the hidden factors !

    Kind regards,
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