my very first solar killowatt, page-57

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Amazing how quickly this thread, a discussion on technical merits of solar PV systems for the home and the various shortcomings and cost/benefits, and alternatives, degenerated into some sort of wacko greenie rant about:
    - condemnation of those with different opionions
    - accusations that declining to install an expensive solar pv system on your home is somehow and indication of mental deficiency and thus indicative of someone who choses to vote lib vs union boss tyranny
    - greenie finger pointing to try to push what has been described as The Greatest Hoax in Human History... the global warming hoax, onto the rest of the community who just dont believe it, by some sort of emotional blackmail

    And of course, this make the thread completely useless for any sensible discussion .

    And therein lies part of the problem with greenies, they are not really interested in a sensiible discussion on technical grounds.
    It is all about emotion and getting the quick fix of a feel-good rush, just like a common drug addict.

    Even if what they insist the world do for them to get this emotional rush is certain to make the situation worse for everyone else, if it makes them feel good it becomes an goal that must be achieved by any means, fair or foul, and suddenly all and any methods employed to accomplish this goal are acceptable.

    And surprise, surprise, they seem to be rabid union boss/labor supporters....

    I wonder if there is a connection, and I wonder if such mindlessness, coupled with a pathological determination to get their own way by any means, does not present a clear and obvious danger to the health and possibly eventually the survival, of the broader community.

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