my voting dilemma.....

  1. 112 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Hi all,
    Hoping you guys can can help me make a decision. At the moment, I still haven't decided on who I'm going to vote for. It really hasn't been until I've gotten older that I've started to take more of an interest in politics as I realise it affects my life, even though I think that politicans talk alot of rubbish most of the time, and alot of them need a slap.

    I've voted for Labor and Liberal before in the past.

    I will say this to begin with. If Costello or Turnbull were running for Prime Minister, done deal, they get my vote! These two guys totally outweigh Gillard and Abbott as candidates ( I still do not understand how the Liberals ousted Turnbull for Abbott...are you kidding me???)

    Anyways, here are some of my simple thoughts:

    Yes, Australia has managed to avoid a recession in the wake of the GFC under Labor. I look at Europe and the US and think we've done quite well in this time. But I know the Liberals through Howard and Costello were on point managing our financial affairs during their reign... so was it becuase of this robust position that enabled Labor to stimulate which has essentially guided us far?
    But, we did have a global bullmarket from 2003-2007 so from a "market cycle" point of view, if Labor were in at this time, would they have achieved the same results or was it the Liberal's business acumen that made the difference???

    China's thirst for our raw materials will carry us along nicely into the future, and likely return us to budget surplus, but why should Labor get credit for this.

    The stimulus.

    Home insulation bat scheme...a joke
    School buildings ...a joke
    Now, I watched an interview the other day with some economic guru who advises Obama, and he made a good point. He suggested that with the implemenation of any stimulus package of great size, there is always going to be wasteage. And this was evident as above. However, the positive side was that our unemployment rate was saved and this is turn has helped the economy. Again I ask would there be similar type of wastage if Liberals had spent the stimulus? If the answer is yes, then Labor have handled this quite well? Is this wastage a necessary evil that would happen to any government in control?

    I think both parties at the moment have weak teams.
    Although he might be a "nice" guy, Abbott is a goose. To have him as Australia's Prime Minister would be an international embarrassment I think. Seeing him on 60 min or some other interview a while back admit he didn't know how to iron a business shirt....and you wanna run the country lol. I think Gillard holds herself better.
    But do we vote on the personality of these leaders, or do we vote for the party?
    So I'm left with a dilemma.

    In conclusion. Both teams are weak and seem lucklastre. Deciding between the 2, I think Gillard would make a better Prime Minister.
    But Labor don't have anyone like Turnbull, who has convition and confidence in his actions. They don't stand out for me to warrant my vote.
    I'd vote Liberal if I knew Turnbull would roll Abbott soon after. But I couldnt vote directly for Abbott. Im almost tempted to vote the sex party or something.

    I don't mean to offend anyone with any of the above, just a punter's thoughts.

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