SYM 0.00% $2.63 symbio holdings limited

mynetphone is only a bolt-on company 4 symbio, page-19

  1. 10,113 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1071
    Any profit this company makes goes to Symbio for use of its backend.
    The directors Mr Andy Kam Kan Fung and Mr Rene Sugo are on a wicket here get shareholders to fund half the company and they make all of the profits through symbio.

    And as i said before where are they now going to get the customers from. We know Symbio had/has 70,000 VOiP customers the slow customer growth from now on will tell the story.

    Symbio is a private company and only 2 people know what is going on in Symbio. "This is the problem" symbio own 65% of MNF and knowone knows how they are going and what the plans are.
    How can you invest in what you dont know?
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Currently unlisted public company.

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