WE" have heaps of verses SAYING, "we" are TO BE, Baptized in the...

  1. 943 Posts.
    WE" have heaps of verses SAYING, "we" are TO BE, Baptized in the NAME OF JESUS!

    Hi Wotsup,
    That "we" would not have been you and I.
    Wotsup's and my ancestors from amongst the Nations would have been pagan with many lords and many gods.
    Matt 28:19 would be applicable for us.

    Those who already believed in the True God could be baptized in the name of Jesus.
    This same Jesus who came into the world but the world knew him not, who is the True one,

    Wotsup, They were baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins.
    Only God can forgive sins

    So I will ask you again for the 4th time
    What is the name in
    Matt 28:19

    Go therefore, and disciple all
    the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of​
    the Son and of the Holy Spirit:
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